African Union Youth Assembly (AUYA) is a powerful inter-continental wide parliamentary youth Assembly, which Models the African Union and teaches the Youth about the Importance of Panafricanism, African Values, Heritages, Culture and traditions, as a Non-profit Civilian Government and an Independent Youth-Led Treaty Body in Africa, empowering the youth and young people and promoting unity, peace and security towards the African We Want agenda.

The TREATY is a Continental agreement signed among 54 Countries Youth -President Elects, which are the permanent signatories of the African Union Youth Assembly -AUYA.

However, AUYA is an independent Body, which is not an Agency, nor an Organ of the African Union Commission.

These Youth Presidents Elects are in charge of their resident- Parliamentary Youth Assemblies, in addition to the other 141 foreign Representatives, representing AUYA abroad, making a total number of 195 countries at AUYA. The Security Council of AUYA plays a great role with its primary responsibility to uniting the Youth and Young people of Africa, before, during and after their country's elections. making sure there is Peace, Unity, solidarity and harmony in Africa, while training the youth to be watch-dogs for Peace, representing the Voice of the Youth in decision making through freedom of speech, making sure there is a proper accountability and transparency in our governance system and in African country's politics.

AUYA hosts the annual Youth Assembly to engage the Youth, Leaders, Politicians, Diplomats, Speakers, the Think Thanks, Policy Makers, Economists, Educationalists, Head of Civil Society organizations, government officials, Media Personalities, Humanitarians, Activists and advocates, to provide solutions to most pressing challenges and issues facing Africa, its people and the entire World at large.

AUYA'S Vision goes beyond training visionary and aspirant future Leaders, preparing them for Africa's Leadership tomorrow, working in hands with all other Youth-Led organization, CSOs, governments, foundations, Think Thanks, by grooming, empowering and training Young Visionary Leaders, Future Politicians and the Emerging Career Diplomats towards the Agenda 2063, the Africa We Want, through capacity building and infrastructure developments in Africa. AUYA through its wonderful projects dares to transform the youth and young people to Lead change in their communities, establishing the several National Parliamentary Youth Assemblies in all the African countries that form part within the AU Member States to harness positive change and results towards the Africa We want.

As an African Youth Government Treaty Body that has over 1.8 millions active membership both in African continent and beyond. AUYA is making sure to support our African Leaders and government in transforming Africa whilst operating as a coordinating body for its national parliamentary Youth Assemblies, youth councils, youth organizations, charities, foundations, where the Africa youth were engaged to discuss, dialogue and provide solutions on most pressing issues and challenges facing the continent and beyond.

The full membership of AUYA includes but not the least, the Country's Youth President Elects, AUYA Security Councils, regional Youth Leaders, Young politicians, advocates, humanitarians climate activists, Students and many more others. AUYA is currently processing for a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), to work in close cooperation with the several United Nations units, departments and agencies including: UNAIDS, UNEP, ILO UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNCTAD, and WHO. AUYA works for the promotion of young people and the youth, in programs areas such as: education, employment, environment, human rights, democracy, population, health, drugs, peace, gender equality, community development, and leadership training. The main major activities of AUYA is to host the annual General Youth assembly and help support the African Union Commission (AU) and African governments in achievement of the AU Agenda 2063, and the United nations Youth Agenda 2030 including the UN Resolution 2250, to empower the youth and improve quality lives across Africa and beyond, by helping to promote infrastructure and Human resource development the vision of the African We Want, as an extensive Africa's Countries development projects, operating to be the Hope for the Youth and Young people of Africa, including those living abroad.

AUYA is an independent General Youth Assembly version for Africa, which mobilizes and train the youth and young people of Africa to become powerful Change makers, ideas creators, high thinkers in Innovations Science and Technology, given them advanced skills development and capacity building trainings.

On December 9, 2015, AUYA has become a very vibrant and robust leading Arms of African countries Governments that works to raise, groom and train young Visionary leaders of Africa, by giving them the chance to Lead as future leaders, in accordance with the (United Nations Resolution 2250) that urges Member States to Increase the representation of Youth in Decision-Making at All Levels, which was a first thematic resolution on youth, peace and security, unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council, for all countries to consider ways to give youth a greater voice in decision-making at the local, national, regional and international levels, at the initiative of Jordan. AUYA, also conducts research and analysis on youth and provides information to governments, Youth, civil society organizations and institutions on issues and activities relating to youth development programs in all African countries and beyond.

The Nominations, selections and voting process for its Country President's are conducted by the AUYA Electoral Council board, which involves high level Elders, Patrons, juries of Experts from dynamic Leadership, Politics, Diplomacy, International Relations, and Global Governance institutions, with strong backgrounds and disciplines in Electoral and fact-Checking experiences. These Countries Youth President's were nominated by their Country's governments, Ministries, organizations and institutions, with compelling evidences and Facts, through strictly rules of nominations by their outstanding performance and meritus activities done in their home countries, in their communities and society, making sure that the right people were selected and fit to do the Diplomatic Job.

After nominations is done, the Electoral Council go by to re-screens all the qualified nominees and the shortlisted applicants from expert views, through a rigorous selections upon which Voting is later conducted among the Security Council members of AUYA, including its Fact - Checking and Anti-Corruption Critics Committee Council. AUYA is an African Youth Treaty Organization which currently has its representatives in all the African Countries and other foreign countries across the world.



The Declaration for the (African Youth Assembly)